Your gift of generosity, whether as a member, through donations, gifts or service, will support our mission to help students achieve their maximum potential for wisdom, happiness, and compassion.

The Tibetan Buddhist Center is a self-sustaining, non-profit organization and as such, relies entirely on donations and member support for our existence. We are affiliated with the FPMT but do not receive financial support from the international organization. We embrace the responsibility to see that the Center remains open, cared for, and that the precious wisdom of our teachers is made available to as many people as possible.

If you’d like to contribute but are unable to make a financial donation, don’t worry — no one will ever be turned away for financial reasons. And there are other ways you can help support the Center and help the teachings flourish.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s teaching on the benefits of supporting centers

“By helping the center, you are helping all sentient beings, because then people come to learn Dharma at the Tibetan Buddhist center, and to practice bodhicitta, as they do the practice for all sentient beings, to benefit all sentient beings.”

~Lama Zopa Rinpoche